Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Improving Chennai Infrastructure Part 1 - Autos

Im not ashamed to say I like Madras, thats called Chennai these days.
Its a bit more laid back less frenetic than other metros in India, dare I say cleaner as well in many parts..
But in my opinion the bane of Madras that is Chennai is its notorious Auto rickshaw drivers. Very democratic bunch they are - they fleece residents and tourists in equal measure.
The present government revised the auto fares and introduced some rules hoping to instill some discipline - fat chance indeed, the auto drivers simply turned a Nelsons eye and continue flouting all rules with impunity.
So what could be a solution ? Well the Tourism department is keen on attracting more tourists to visit TamilNadu. But with Autodrivers like these , They don't need enemies -the autodrivers would simply turnaway the tourist crowd with their belligerent attitude.
So the TD could enlist autodrivers who would be willing to display a special board - something like Friendly and Honest Auto . These drivers would agree not to charge anymore than the fixed fares - the condition would be that if they tried doing that they would lose their licence.
I'm pretty sure tourist and even locals would not mind paying a small premium if they were assured of polite and honest service.
Any takers i wonder?

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